- Identification and Firmographic : the registration information is useful to verify a company whether is officially registered as a legal entity. It includes the background information, legal form, its address, line of business together with its industry codes.
- Capital and Shareholding Structure : it provides the full view of the current capital and shareholding structure.
- Board of Directors and Officer: this is the official registered board of directors and officer of the company, which may includes the company secretary, managers and receiver or liquidator that are appointed officially. Besides, it provides the identity information, date of appointment and the age of the directors.
- Financial information: with Five-years financial comparative view, contains balance sheets and profit and loss details, alongside with the financial ratios to evaluate its financial strength.
- Register of Charge: this is the official charge register that recording a list of assets or properties that is charged to a financial institution for credit facilities. It is required by the Companies Act of Malaysia, 2016 that all companies must register the charge to SSM.
- Litigation information: litigation cases in which the subject has been involved as plaintiff or defendant, with details on past and future hearings.
MY CRIF Premium Report
MY CRIF Premium Report is an online report that available instantly with the live data retrieved from the public registry Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia or Companies Commission of Malaysia in addition to litigation data retrieved from 104 Malaysian courthouses. Real-time information from SSM.